This is the question that emerges from my heart. When I was sitting by the window on the bas, looking out and saw people buzzing a out side the performing center.
When was it? You quietly sitting and totally focus on what your Father, Mother, Kids, Husband, Wife, Friends or your love one said to you? Hear what they try to say carefully , never interrupt them and wont make your own conclusions before they even finish saying what they intended to say. When was it?
Every person would had the wish of people hearing what they said, regardless of there age. Isn’t it? Comprehension that was praise by teachers in school or got the first in the international competition, hoping to share it with my mother; kid broke his leg and cant walk, must be admitted to the hospital immediately, hope to tell my husband immediately; Curse by a unreasonable customer, want to tell my girlfriend about how bad does it field; The new show < Cloudy with a chance of Meatball> it was fibulas, want to share with my friends about the exiting scene. Happy, sad, excited, angry, ideals, aspirations, all this are things that the close one would want you to listen, share and discourse about. How much attention that you had put in to throwly understand what they try to express?

Willing to listen to people around you, especially your loved one, is the greatest support and encouragement that you can give them. There is a Chinese saying , if u don't light a light up it won’t be bright, if you don't say how can they understand. Regardless of you relation, only when listen more and say less, only you could truly give a person guidance or recommendations, and truly enter a person world.
In one of the training camp, there was a 14-year-old boy, with a pair of glasses, not tall, but agile. "You want me to do this, I chosen not to do, what you going to do about it?” “What would you think about children, that say such a thing? He is a person that we always talk about as he got 2 red card in the first day of the camp. (Note: For each foul that you committed you would be given a red card, when u have 3 you would have to leave the camp) “Than what you wants to do? Say it! If your reason is relevant and your group member approves it, you are allow to do it”. He didn't really believe what he heard just now, but after a while he starts to say out all the thing that he found it irrelevant to him. Then, the mentor and his team raised against him ideas and requirements, and with him to discuss and analyze its rationality. Of course he put forward some reasonable requirement. Such as: permitting him to have a extra serving of chicken, only when every one had got there share. The result is base on the discussion with every one, because it’s decided by every one throw discussion so he gladly accepted it. He successfully completed the training cause.
Some time I often hear parents complain, “My child is very in obedient”, “my child start to lie to me”. Actually what is the real cause of the problem? Is the kid that bead from the beginning? Mom and dad need to learn how to slow down, when answer to there child. Thoroughly listen and understand every word that there child said to them, let them have the right to make there decision. Never use your own pass experience to deside for your child and worry about you him get hurt and plan every thing well for him. Every child have there own ability to grow up, they also hope that people appreciate the physical, social-emotional, intellectual and spiritual, all been taken care of. Also hope to be treated as a “complete person”. Mom and dad will certainly work very hard to meat there child demand. The way a child accept kindness, and love is not only for thing that meat the eye.
A child lying, the most properly answer is, because they think the adult won’t get angry if they do so. We as adult should be psychologically prepared, to hear not only a children happy thing but also the unhappy once and accept the real him. When the child is still young, he still cant distinction between their own will and authority of there request, so most of it might just baste on there own great. Imagine when a child told u the truth and you went furriest. Than do you still think they will say the truth? Unwilling to listen to real things that sounds bad, will cause the cause the child to tell lies, as it will make us happy. Than aunt we the one who allow them to have such a habits? If you don't wish your kids to lie to you, don't create a excuse for them to lie. Even they had told a lie, parent don't need to get mad, just let them know adult don't like to hear beautiful words that are lies, but word that are the true.
I remember in another training camp, there is a 17-year-old tall and thin, a lovely girl. She always gloomy looking, she is very perfunctory in the participation in activities, what she would do in discussion is mostly jus listen to others; when every one laugh happily, she would only smile. Until the 4th day night, after taking part in a whole day of activity, including a roll playing activity. She was the mother, she had to prepare food for the whole family. Under the starry night, the whole group member sat together to talk. The topic was my family and member. When its her turn he face his head on the ground and said “my mom and dad had just divorce”, than tears was dripping out from her bit by bit. “I don't know what to do? They quarrel every day and even fight. I am very scared” “why did they did such a thing?” “how would me and my brother and sister will be?” . Seeing this sad girl, my heart felt sorrow. How long had she keep all this words in her heart? Don't know how much pressure had she took at a young age like this. Just cry! You are safe here. All the group member try to calm her down and some even cry with her! That night she until very tired, just cry ! Although we can not help her solve her parent marriage problem, she still have to face the problem, but she know there Is a bunch of people that is willing to listen to her and help her during the most vulnerable time in life. Of course after the camp, we still have keep a frequent contact with her and her family. The understanding and communication between children and parents is very important.
If u really love the people around you, leave some time for them to listen to them. Let them know that you love, care and concern about them. The main reason why human and human could field warm, is because his privacy could be keep and hear by the one they trust.
Don’t forget, apart from being a talker, we should remember to become a listener.