“If you think that you are so great, don't come home! And don't bring anything along, not even your underwear that you are wearing!.”
“If u still dare to argue with me, I will beat you till you stop!”
“the only way to teach him is to punish him! If he strike, I will beat him! How bad will he be if I beat him and I’ll beat him till he learn something!”
“it is all because of you ! I told you to punish him, over and over again but you still refuse to do it , why won’t you listen to what I said!”
“Do not think that I won’t punish you, even you only want to help your brother! If this happen again I will beat you together with him.”
When did all of this happen? If I still remember, the person that shares the most with my dad is my brother. Mom and dad will never argue for unnecessary things.
During my younger time, when my dad was a postgraduate in china, he would only come back once a year and each time will be just a short time and some time he would only return after 3 years. The memorable thing of my dad is his comfortable huge. But his hand is not as tough as it used to be and his belly is getting bigger and bigger but all of it I cannot be compared with the distance of our heart.
About half a year ago, when ever dad saw brother playing game, he will take out his favorite cane and start to hit his delicate skin. Every time brother will always challenge him and every time mom will cry and beg dad not to, but he will get bruises every inch of his body and some time its bleed. If I am not mistaken my mom and dad only quarrel once in my childhood, but than the argument wasn’t that serious but yet she will cry. How can she bear the burden of dad blaming her for the child behavior? All of this had been going on for half a year……
What can I do? Every night, I will hear dad’s talking with anger, brother yelling about his right and the sound of mom crying while begging them to stop. All I can do is to pretend that it never happened and I continue to sleep through out the night. There is no one to blame that for all that happened, as every body have the same loved for the family. Just that every one have their duty and own situation. I hope I could save my brother from this war. How many times can I save him? No matter what he still have to go home and face it but he will always get angry, he will get even angrier the next time….
It had been months since the last punishment. Just that dad and brother haven say a word about it and the only connection that were made in the past half a year is when they are fighting for their right. My parent relationship was never like before, where they can talk to each other from day to night. Now when ever mom tries to talk to dad he would just ignore her.
Of course, brother is still addicted to his computer game and dad will still show that he don't really care about any thing. Mom’s saddle is getting heavier and heavier, she also need to worry about my study, my younger brother start to have interest in computer game and my brother always nagging her for money to style his hair, skin care and play game in cybercafé, he don't even bother about his coming PMR exam. He could spend time on his computer game until 4.00am during the test, and many times he is almost been expel by the school. When ever she tries to discuss with dad, he will say:”I told you from the beginning that people like him could only be taught by punishment only. If u doesn’t want to do it I would just have to do it for you.”I wonder how she feels when all of these words repeat to her ears over and over again. As she know that punishing him wont do him any good, at the same time she will feel sorry when she see her child is cover with bruises ; she even feel depress when she know the stubborn father wont change his mind, no matter how much she say.
What different does this have with domestic violent? It does less pain on the body, but the damage to the mind is huge. Come to think about him domestic violent, at least we still have the communication between us.
What can I do?
Who can help me?